Friday, December 14, 2007

Ask the Southern Gal

I've lived in eight different Southeastern states, and I figure that makes me qualified as an expert on Southernisms. So that, along with a deep respect for my dear friends from Elsewhere, inspires this helpful guide.

I don't know if y'all have noticed, but our part of the Carolina's has become home to folks from all over the U.S., and quite a few folks from across the Big Pond. Some of my favorite friends are from north of the Mason-Dixon. Occasionally I am asked questions about the Southern culture, so I figured I'd answer a few here:

1) Jan, the other day, a neighbor took me to a barbecue eatery to "initiate me" into the South. When I ordered unsweetened tea, the waitress looked at me like I'd lost my mind. What gives?

Lawsy, girl. Unsweeted tea at a barbecue joint? Ain't gonna happen.

2) Speaking of Southern cuisine, how do you fry okra?

Why, barefoot, of course!

3) Is it true that "bless your heart" is just a way to talk bad about people and feel okay about it?

Heavens, no. We're equal opportunity heart blessers. We bless your heart whether we like you or not!

4)What about people calling me ma'am? Are they being sarcastic, or what?

No ma'am! Their mama just taught 'em good manners.

5) I saw a vine at the of the road that seems to grow very well in this area. I'm thinking about planting some to grow up my porch rail.

Gracious daisies, child, that's kudzu! I had a cousin that saw some at the edge of his driveway one morning, and when he came home that evening, he couldn't find his house!

6) Do Southerners listen to anything other than country music?

Of course, darlin'! We listen to country AND western!

7) And what's with everyone calling me "darlin"??

Why, sugah, we just can't remember your name!

If you have a question about the South that you'd like answered, feel free to leave a comment. I'd be tickled to death to help you out. Come back later now, y'hear?