Saturday, August 22, 2009

Blue Eagle Season Opener 2009

Lawsy, it's been awhile since I've posted, but life has been throwing me some interceptions lately. However, nothing like a Clover High School football game to get me going again!

I do love those Blue Eagles! Last night's first game against the South Point (no "e") Red Raiders was tons of fun, although hotter than blazes. My husband opted out of the game, as he is morally opposed to watching football when it's over 90 degrees. A guy's gotta have his standards, I guess.

Anyway, the Blue Eagles started out strong. Defense looked good (hallelujah), offense pounding 3 to 5 yards a down. Classic Blue Eagle football.

We all went thru metal scanners on the way in the gate, which was probably good because otherwise someone would've shot the ref's. Clover could hardly make it through a play without a penalty flag. Yeah, there were a few offsides calls. But, you know, first game. The boys were excited to play! But there were quite a few questionable, okay, BOGUS calls as well, at least if you agreed with the fans in the stand.

As for me, what do I know? Without the instant replay tape and the announcers drawing little circles on the screen, I just gotta take their word for it.

So anyway, 14-0 at the half, and that's with two touchdowns being called back for penalties. We were feeling pretty cocky. (And by "we", I am referring to the fans. Jerry Seinfeld makes fun of folks who say "We won! We won!" after their team aces a game. Jerry says, "No, THEY won. YOU watched.)

The second half started out with more penalties against Clover, and the crowd became rather unruly. South Point managed a touchdown, but blew the extra point. 14-6.

Clover scored again, answered by South Point with a 2 point conversion. 21-14. Clover's QB Aaron Miller put the ball in the air on a third and long play and we were treated to a miraculous catch by Brian Barrett. Whoooeee! 28-14, just a couple minutes left. The South Point home side started emptying the stands. Fine with me. Less traffic to fight on the way out.

But honey, it wasn't over. The Blue Eagles thought they had it in the bag, and started playing like it. South Point scored again, 28-21. Uh oh.

Then an onside kick play by South Point actually WORKED. Uh oh.

South Point fought their way towards the goal line again, and the Clover boys woke the heck up. With tiny seconds left in the game, a whole lotta Latta emerged and finalized the victory for Clover, stopping the drive. Clover had the ball, took a knee, and took the win.

It's gonna be a good season, y'all.

Jan Todd lives in Lake Wylie and works for The Lake Wylie Man. For more blogs about living in Lake Wylie, Blue Eagle football, and Lake Wylie real estate, visit The Lake Wylie Man website!