Sunday, August 21, 2011

Clover Blue Eagles - - Real Blue

For the first time in four years, I missed the Clover Blue Eagle season opener.  Apparently, they did, too.  Sixty three to nothing?  South Point victory?  Yowza!  I don't think my heart could've taken it.  Just as well, I was at home preparing the Last Supper before my youngest went off to college on Saturday morning.  It didn't seem to be the time to go traipsing off with my blue and white pom poms and cow bell.

I did receive score updates from my friend Joy, who watched the entire travesty of a football game.  She and her husband Tom aren't ones to abandon their positions as fans in the stands, no matter how terrible the game.  They stay until the last whistle, every time.  That's just the kind of people they are.

As I received the texts with the score - - 21 to 0 in the first quarter, oops, make that 28 - - I realized that we may be entering a new era of Clover football.  I don't remember the score at the half; could've been 42-zip. I just knew that the locker room during the game break couldn't be a happy place.  I once asked a football player what went on at the half during a slaughter like that.  "Mostly, the coach just yells," he replied.  He explained that the coach gets the team all fired up and mad and then they take their anger to the field and ideally turn the game around.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen with the Clover/South Point game Friday night.  There was no turning around, no redemption, no saving face.

Clover has a new coach this year, who came from South Point.  Yep, the same team that showed no mercy, kicked on-side kicks to recover the ball even when they were so far ahead, they were in a different time zone.  I suppose they had something to prove, and enjoyed antagonizing their old coach by running up the score.

I wasn't at the game, so I can't really comment on what happened to our beloved Blue Eagles.  Maybe they left the game during the first half . . . mentally, if not physically.  I just wish they had stuck around like Tom & Joy.

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